Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:15).
Character Purity Ministries
Character Purity © 2010
P.O. Box 8125
Pelham, NY 10803

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Does Iniquity's Ripening Trigger the 7 Last Plagues?

by Dionne Sabbay Thompson
March 20, 2010

Revelation 16:8-9 "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory".
Recent Plague of Frogs Strikes Greece new

The great time of Trouble ahead contains vital issues. The war began in Heaven. Revelation 12:7-17 indicates that there was war in heaven. The war which Lucifer, renamed Satan, commenced in Heaven, will complete itself on earth. Satan lost the war in heaven, later bringing His principles of government to this planet earth, where Adam and Eve voted the government of Satan in, by way of transgression, causing sin and iniquity to be concentrated on this Earth.

Video: Second Day of Frog Plague intensifying new

Christ always manifested agape, unselfish love, the Spirit of Beneficence (1John 4:16, Steps to Christ page 77, Desire of Ages pages 20-21). Satan used demons and human beings to heap hurt and punishment on Christ Jesus, however, Yeshua responded with agape love, responding with benevolence, as Christ never retaliated. If one rejects God’s love and mercy one will eventually self-destruct by way of the principle of sin, as sin is functional and cancerous in nature (James 1:14-15). Christ, although He died at Calvary, was raised up as the Conqueror of sin, triumphing over the earth's sin problem (John 16:33). 1John 3:4 edifies that “...sin is the transgression of the law” (Christ's character transcript), defining that who ever commits sin is of Satan, thus the son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil (1John 3:8). God only uses the principle of love; and Satan uses cruelty, hatred and torture, attempting to force Christ's remnant to depart from the character of Christ and plan of salvation. Christ destroyed Satan’s deceptive lies and plan through love (John 19:30).

Similarly, God’s people during the end times will not have weapons but they will be dependent on God’s love. Spiritual Babylon will have technology and weapons on their side, and by attacking God’s people, they will be attacking Christ (Revelation 17:14). God’s people however will be victorious in the end, as when the close of probation occurs, the Seven last plagues will outpour, causing the wicked to turn on each other blaming their “False Protestant” “Evangelical Ministers” for their fraudulent secret rapture teachings and Sunday pagan teachings (Revelation 14:19-20).

The Lord is merciful and gracious, forgiving iniquity and transgression from sin. The Lord is slow to anger, the act of punishment is strange to God (Psalms 103:8, 145:8). The giving up and separation is a "strange act", occurring when men have separated from God, demonstrated by them accepting the Mark of the Beast, granting Satan permission to work his will. "For our eternally loving Father, “giving up” His creatures to sinful destruction is a “strange act” (Romans 1:24, 26, 28, James 1:14-15, 1John 4:16, 1:5). 'How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?...', 'I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not enter into the city' (Hosea 11:8, 9)" [A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection page 42].

Similar to the life choices of Adam, God will give them up to the life choice that they have made. God does everything in righteousness, right-doing, consistent with the character and law of God, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). When you see the populace receiving God’s wrath unmingled with mercy,this means that they have rejected every effort on God’s behalf to save them. At this stage, God would have no recourse but to give the guilty what they have chosen, the cup of wrath unmixed with mercy. Thus, they have rejected all the mercy that God would have given them.

The unmingled wrath from Revelations 14:9-10 will be poured out, similar to Egypt’s plagues, however they will be unmingled with mercy. Egypt oppressed God’s people, in spite of God’s love for Egypt as God saved Egypt from starvation through Joseph. Because the Pharaoh chose to oppress God’s people, the Most High bore long with Egypt, until iniquity in Egypt was ripened causing the cup of God’s wrath to be poured out. If Pharaoh was repentant and mindful, he could have avoided all these judgments. The plagues upon Egypt will be similar to what will occur in the end time, however, the end time will be global, because the world and its NEW WORLD ORDER would have rejected the everlasting gospel and mercy of God. The last invitation of mercy is being presented now, and its rejection will cause probation to close for the world, followed by God’s wrath (Revelation 22:11).

Toxic waste has created issues for mankind, eradicating all the life form in the sea, causing terrible diseases. As terrible as God’s afflictions will be, the righteous will be untouched, obtaining privileges above angels at the throne of God (Revelation 3:21). Revelation 16:2-6 exemplifies God’s wrath set forth. Those that chose to be found guilty, will possess the same iniquitous spirit and receive the wrath of God. What they reap will be a function of what they have sown (Galatians 6:7-8). The harvest of the field will wither and perish. The rivers of water will dry up and there shall be many dead bodies in all places, because of the intense heat of the sun. Drought will be global and the animals will be dying for starvation. There will be a tremendous scarcity of food and starvation will be on a massive scale, but God’s people are reassured that their bread and water is sure (Isaiah 33:16-17). This is not God’s doing, but it is the choice of those who rejected God’s sustenance, causing Satan to be replaced as their Creator and Sustainer. All the plagues thus far have been mingled with mercy, but in the final judgment, God’s wrath will be poured out without mixture. Christ, as we know is standing in the Most Holy Apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary, pleading His blood for all those who are willing to accept it.

The Tsunami on December 26, 2004 was mixed with mercy, yet 200,000 plus people were destroyed in a matter of hours. Just imagine what will happen when God’s mercy is removed, the numbers will be staggering. The amount of human loss will be beyond belief, in that day. Famines will be rampant. Thus, we must take advantage of studying and taking heed to the Word of God, finding time to study the Word of the Lord. Famines will emerge from north, east, south and west, thus we must fortify our minds with the truth.

The people of God will not be free from suffering (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:1-3). If you are a child of God persecution will purify you, as God’s people, but they will not be murmuring and complaining, not being left to perish (Great Controversy pages 621-622). God’s remnant are now under the training of preparing for the challenges and obstacles. Now the times are easy. God will not snatch us from the earth or rain MANNA from heaven as he did Ancient Israel, but we will have difficult times. Challenging times is part of our training and preparation for deliverance from this earth. During the time of harvest, the remnant will be satisfied, we may not have three square meals a day but, we will be satisfied (Isaiah 33:16-17).

Revelation 8:5 thus represents an administration of wrath announcing the close of probation, mercy has ceased the administration has changed and judgment has been executed. God’s angel does not however do the destruction, but he signals and shows that mercy has expired and wrath has begun. The gathering, another harvest, has now commenced for those who were ripened in iniquity. Both harvests will come to maturity. There will be a harvest for both righteousness and iniquity. God’s mercy has been extended. We must not count the extension of God’s mercy as being untimeliness, but it is mercy (Early Writings pages 36-38). We must become more like Christ, preparing for the harvest of God’s remnant, 144,000 in number.

Revelation 14:19 denotes a harvest of those that would have rejected the light of God ripening in iniquity, being cast into the great wine press of God’s wrath, corresponding with Revelation 8:5. These latter verses of Revelation 14 prove that probation has closed and judgment has begun its execution. The qualities of Revelation 14:1-5 will we manifested by God’s remnant.

Revelation 14:20 mentions the wine press being trodden without the city and the blood came out of the winepress, thus this last gathering represents those who are not apart of God’s people. Such a body of unrighteous believers will be gathered, receiving God’s wrath, symbolically being juiced and being extracted once probation is closed. The grapes will be mashed and the juice will run out of the winepress.

The wicked will be separated from God and the winepress is the wrath of God. The winepress’ blood represents that they will slaughter each other during the time of Jacob’s Time of Trouble, turning against the false teachers. The weapons that they have to destroy God’s people will be turned on each other, the false teachers and the religious leaders. The bloodshed will be such that it is compared to wine running out of the winepress. God will not be doing any destruction, nor will His angels, it will be the wicked turning on their leaders. When the wicked are separated from the mercy of God, every man becomes an enemy, as God’s wrath will become fully developed, unmingled with mercy.

When Christ returns He will return, having nothing to do with destruction or sin, as He will be returning to claim His righteous harvest/remnant (Mark 4:29, Revelation 14:14-16). There will be some that remain alive, not tasting death until the return of Christ, surviving the plagues, right up to the Second Advent, the 144,000 (Revelation 6:17, 7:1-4).